Remain Compliant By Using The Proper Hard Drive Destruction Methods • Phiston Technologies

Many individuals, businesses, and organizations discard their computer systems of outdated or irrelevant files to maintain a sufficient storage amount. However, safe media and data destruction will certainly outweigh simply clicking the delete key on your keyboard. 

Data destruction specialists understand the importance of proper data disposal. Safely and properly destroying your data is necessary to preserve the integrity and the reputation of your business or organization. Safe media and data destruction are also important because it will ensure you are always compliant with the rules and regulations set by the federal privacy legislation.

It is a federal requirement to dispose of media and data properly. After a certain time, it is mandatory to delete data permanently from your devices and your servers to remain compliant with federal laws and regulations. Anyone can easily recover the data deleted by simply using a delete key and sending it to the recycle bin from your hard drives and tapes.

The media and data you thought you deleted will still remain in a digital format. However, it will be in a different location. It can result in a significant security risk if anyone obtains and uses this data against your business or organization. Therefore, your business or organization must protect the data you have been entrusted with and be responsible for properly disposing of the data when it is no longer needed.

It is important to use the proper data and hard drive destruction methods when disposing of company data and media. Hard drive destruction equipment can ensure the proper disposal of your media and data in a compliant and complete manner. At Phiston Technologies, our line of hard drive destruction methods can make the contents of your hard drives unreadable. Contact us today.

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