Protect Your Data Security With Solid State Data Destruction • Phiston

Your cyber security is becoming increasingly more important in personal as well as business technology space. Many factors can jeopardize your cyber hygiene such as: 

  • improperly disposing of your PC as well as other data devices
  • not hiring a reputable data destruction professional
  • not adequately discarding data from your devices 

These are only a few instances and the truth is, data thieves are after your sensitive business and personal information and devices. In fact, the recovery time from a cyber attack can cause massive downtime and cost your business millions of dollars along with public scrutiny. 

How Can Solid State Data Destruction Secure Your Data Security 

Your solid state devices cannot be degaussed like other devices including hard disk drives and other magnetic media. SSD data destruction must occur physically. No, it’s not enough to just throw out your device or have it recycled for obvious reasons. Proper destruction can greatly improved your chances of professional data protection. For example, Phiston Technologies offers a popular device called the MediaVise Compact device that permanently destroys your sensitive devices which stores your media. With more than 40,000 tons of crushing force, you can ensure you device is rendered completely inoperable and permanently destroyed. Hackers won’t stand a chance at recovering your sensitive data. 

Who Is Phiston Technologies? 

As a small independently owned company, Phiston Technologies focuses on innovative solutions for your media destruction. Leading scientific research, development, engineering, as well as manufacturing are all features that can solve your need for business cyber security at Phiston Technologies.. Their team of experts understand that every business will have unique data destruction needs and decommissioning is also an option at Phiston. Discover a secure way to physically destroy your media devices with products that meet NSA specifications too.

If your business is in need of solid state data destruction, feel free to contact us at Phiston Technologies for a FREE consultation today! 

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