Phiston Technologies Crushes Your Security Concerns! • Phiston Technologies

Whether you are a large, multi-million dollar corporation, or a small mom & pop supporting your community, your data is your company’s most sensitive asset. Credit card numbers, personally identifiable information, and trade secrets all reside on the hard drive within your computers. Securing that data when replacing those hard drives is the most overlooked security factors in today’s IT atmosphere.

Common techniques to prevent data theft include logically and magnetically wiping the drive. A logical wipe consists of software on a computer that writes either 0’s or random data to every single bit on the drive. Sometimes multiple times, effectively overwriting all of the data previously stored on it. The problem with this approach is that someone with the right tools can analyze these, and “flipped back” to their original state, thus recovering that data.

Magnetic destruction, also called “degaussing,” does pretty much what it says on the tin. A large magnet passes over the drive, corrupting the data stored within. Though difficult, data can still be recovered from drives wiped magnetically as well! Someone with the right skills and motivation can take a magnetically wiped drive, and analyze it to determine the previous data.

Finally, some folks use a combination of methods, and may even “drill” the drive. It involves using a drill press to puncture the drive completely through. While this is more effective than the previous methods, only the portion of the platter that was drilled is destroyed. In some cases, the majority of data on the drive can be recovered.


The only way to truly destroy data is to destroy the drive it’s on. Enter Phiston Technology’s new MediaVise. A hands-off, portable drive crusher, capable of delivering over 40,000 lbs of force using the patented crushing plates, safely and securely destroying the drive and preventing any chance of unauthorized access to it’s data. The MediaVise can also handle other devices, such as cell phones, PDAs, USB Drives, and almost anywhere else that sensitive data can be found. It does this safely, with hands-off operation, HEPA filtering, automatic debris collection, and noise suppression.

The MediaVise is very easy to use; There is no need to sharpen the patented corrugated interlocking plates. It has simple, user-friendly controls, and is portable. It also has a high capacity, so you can destroy multiple drives at once. You don’t even need to clean it after use! And, if anything goes wrong, their technical support team will be there for you.

So, be sure to protect your customers and your livelihood by properly destroying your data when you replace a hard drive or computer in your business by crushing those drives. I recommend using the MediaVise. So call them today!

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