Improper Storage Disposal Risks Breaches In Data Security • Phiston Technologies

Mention data security, and what usually comes to mind are firewalls, antivirus programs, and other commonly used cybersecurity tools. However, many businesses fail to recognize that the improper storage disposal poses an equal security risk as a hacker does. Permanent data destruction can be a complex and confusing topic that many organizations fail to address properly. With massive amounts of sensitive data stored on disks, hard drives, and USB sticks, it is essential to properly destroy to avoid compromises to a company’s database.

Security risks don’t end with the destruction of computer hard drive data. Consider all the data stored on cell phones, CDs, magnetic stripe ID cards, and other electronic media. With improper storage disposal, the saying “your trash is someone else’s treasure,” certainly applies. Even many business espionage professionals regard trash as a lucrative source of company and personal data.  Cybercriminals often seek disposed of computer equipment in the dumpsters of retailers and other businesses for this purpose alone. 

Many believe that simply overwriting or erasing data is a good enough measure to prevent anyone from accessing it. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. There are many tools and methods that can easily recover everything previously written to the media. The risks to businesses are immeasurable. This includes everything from non-compliance lawsuits to loss of trust and damage to the business’ reputation. 

So how does a company properly dispose of electronic media without the chance of recovery of the client, consumer, and financial information by unscrupulous parties?

The only guaranteed method is by physical destruction of the media device by companies who employ specialized equipment for this purpose. This process involves obliterating the device to pieces that make data recovery impossible. All that remains are tiny fragments collected and properly disposed of in accordance with regulatory standards. 

Businesses can also elect to have these data destruction devices installed on site in their data centers. This prevents a backlog of disposed devices from piling until a third-party company takes over.

Thousands of dollars are spent on the protection of active data while ignoring the safe destruction of inactive data. A marginal investment in a data destruction strategy is the best insurance against a compromise from improper storage disposal.

At Phiston, we utilize patented technology for data destruction with our MediaVise, MediaVise Compact, and MediaDice systems. Our processes meet the National Security Agency’s standards for the protection of sensitive information. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies and those in the aerospace, military, law enforcement, education, finance, and other industries. 

Contact us for more information on our innovative storage destruction methods that can protect your business data from falling into the wrong hands.

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