How to keep your Computer and Data Secure

When it comes to data security, there are a significant number of approaches that you should take in order to ensure nobody steal that information due to lackluster security measures. As far as sensible security measures are concerned, one basic thing to make sure to check and double-check is the security and complexity of the passwords protecting your data.


Many people do not make an effort to utilize complex enough passwords. It frequently leads to important data being easily accessible by people you would like to keep out of that data. This is important because some of the most common passwords currently employed are the easiest to figure out. This list includes passwords like “password”, “123456”, “2580” or sometimes it’s the person’s name whose data the password is protecting.

If you want to ensure data safety, remember to have a good password that nobody can easily guess. Besides just having a complex password, though, it is important to make sure that the physical location of the computer or hard drive is itself secure. Having a good password is fine, but the better approach is not to rely on it. If a potential data thief can’t get to the drive or computer in question to access the data they want to steal, then it will be that much more difficult for them to steal your data.

However, not all data will be stored locally. Sometimes data employs cloud storage. So, there will not be a lot you can do about the security measures, excluding passwords and encryption. If that is the case, you must make sure to know who has access to the data. Make sure that only trustworthy individuals can access it. It’s essential so that an untrustworthy employee can’t just log in, make a copy and walk out with critical data.

Contact Phiston

If you need more information on data security and best practices for making sure that your data stays safe and secure then please contact us today for more information.

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