A hard drive destroyer is the best way to keep your data safe • Phiston Technologies

As long as there have been people there has been the need to record information. Ancient Sumerians used the earliest forms of writing, cuneiform, to keep track of anything from written tradition to business records. One of the earliest accounts of keeping records was a complaint tablet to Ea-Nasir, who has the historical distinction of basically cheating his customers. We don’t know much else about Mr. Ea-Nasir, other than he might have had some dubious business practices.

The funny thing is that one would think that a written language pressed into clay tablets which were later baked hard, would be much more permanent than our system of keeping records electronically; however, it really isn’t much different. Your computer magnetically changes the metal disk in your hard drive while writing information to it. Your hard disk’s surface still physically holds the data even after removing it from the device. With the right kind of tools in the wrong hands, someone can retrieve your sensitive information from this media.

In-case server-mounted crushers

We don’t know how long the physical media of computer storage material lasts. It could be a few decades before the surface degrades enough to corrupt the data completely, or it could be longer than the several thousands of years that cuneiform tablets have survived. The best way to ensure your data is safe once it needs to be erased from history is a hard drive destroyer. With hardened metal teeth and intense pressure per square inch, our in-case server-mounted crushers will make short work of your electronic media. They will render the electronic media completely and totally mangled. So, it will be useless for anyone who might want to retrieve that material. What could be simpler than disposing of your sensitive data than simply feeding it into the contained device, hitting a switch, and pulverizing it? Permanently!

Contact Phiston

Maybe if Ea-Nasir had a tablet crusher, history might have been a little more forgiving of him! Contact us today to see how to protect your sensitive information!

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