Protect Sensitive Information With A Blu Ray Crusher from Phiston

As technology designed for recording and storing information continues to evolve, so too must the security measures designed to protect that information. Blu-ray discs are no exception; given their ample capacity to store over 100 GB of data, it is important to carefully protect such contents at all stages of use. Secure handling measures must also account for the disposal of information and media.

While there are options to erase a Blu-ray disc in order to reuse it, this is not the most secure way to handle the most sensitive information; if a used disc were to fall into the wrong hands, it is entirely possible to access the information therein.

A better solution is a blu ray crusher.

Phiston technologies has designed and entire lineup of media destruction devices, including, but not limited to, blue-ray crushers. These high-capacity machines possess enough power to reduce large numbers of discs to dust in a matter of moments. Furthermore, they are safe and intuitive. They start with the push of a button, but only after securely closing the destruction chamber. The best part? They are portable enough so you can keep them in almost any workplace setting.

Anyone who regularly handles sensitive information and experiences a large volume of media turnover should strongly consider acquiring a blu ray crusher and other media destruction devices. The complete dismantling of outdated media storage modules is the only surefire way to prevent such information from being stolen. Don’t wait. For more information about Phiston Technologies’ various media destruction devices, contact us.

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